Friday, December 2

bring us some figgy pudding

the heart of the home at the holidays has to be the kitchen. it's where all the magic happens. the filling food. the savory smells. the warmth. and typically, the company. 
figgy pudding probably won't be making an appearance in my oven [oven? microwave? refrigerator? what is figgy pudding?] this christmas season, but you can definitely expect cookies and cakes and cocoa... oh my!
close up on one of my favorite pieces. 
mainly because i just love this little cow. so much. and he looks cute as a reindeer. right?
i realize you [basically] just saw this picture. but, i had to show off my martha stewart recipe box. yes, that little red gem in the corner is a new obsession. 
and that, my friends, wraps up my indoor space. is it making sense at all? i sure hope so, because there is nothing i hate more than a random compilation of items without a fluid theme. they don't call me high maintenance for nothin!
stay tuned tomorrow for a shot of my outside operation and a virtual tour to bring everything together. and then i promise... pinky swear... as the newborn baby Jesus as my witness [too much?]... this decorating stuff will be over. [which doesn't mean the ho ho ho holidays won't be popping up over the next twenty-three days. it's christmas and i'm only human.]
happy december! happy weekend! happy holidays!

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