Friday, December 16

joy to the world

on a recent run to goodwill, i spotted this globe [and you know my obsession with globes].
this beauty set me back a whole three hundred pennies. two hundred and ninety-nine to be exact. and in globe dollars, that's pretty darn cheapity-cheap. so since it was such a bargain, i knew just what i had to do with it. ruin it, of course.
i outlined the land in permanent marker in order to carefully preserve the proper markings of territories and stuff. but after painstaking, precise brush strokes, i didn't end up keeping the outlines. i went back and forth with painting over the borders, but in the end, it just didn't look right. and i finally decided if someone really needed a geography lesson or to locate madagascar on the map, they could access the five billion others i have floating around this abode:
so after painting around the land and eventually painting over the land with chalkboard paint, i scribbled over the whole wide world and simply erased. then she was loving placed on my crafting cabinet with other black and white props i had displayed elsewhere. 
for $2.99, i'm awfully happy about how this mysterious, yet playful; understated, yet powerful piece turned out.
post script: tune in next week for last minute christmas preparations. i'll be sharing some bow making tips, my 2011 packaging scheme, and other holiday hoopla! happy last minute hustle and bustle y'all!

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