Monday, February 13

season of love

valentine's day is upon us. a day devoted to love. and appreciation. and all that sappy stuff we crave in this otherwise desolate time of year. 
as a child, i always appreciated v-day because it was a time to show off my creativity. or my mother's creativity rather. much like our halloween costumes, my sibs and i were sent to school with the best valentine "boxes" [i'm biased, but come on. one year i made a life size pelican and everyone put my valentines in his bill. shoeboxes wrapped in red move aside - that's pretty legit.]. so, while i no longer get to enjoy the innocent pleasure of making a valentine receptacle [what a shame], i still wanted to share some love to my colleagues. here's what i'll be handing out tomorrow.
who doesn't love the mustache prop trend circulating the blog/wedding world these days? i simply drew some lip love on colored foam, cut it out and attached it to a Blow Pop. then i tied a little sentiment around the stick and...
muah! happy season of love!

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