Saturday, June 11

the moment i knew

...i was certifiably insane. i saw these on my doorstep friday afternoon and [literally] cried out "omg! omg!" [sometimes i talk to myself. it's a part of living alone. don't judge.], danced a little jig [don't try to picture it] and ripped open the box. you see, i have these mega inspiration files on my computer. i recently transferred the images to pinterest, but felt like i needed a tangible, accessible, hold-it-in-your-hand, make-notes-and-dream binder. and so, i printed. lots and lots of photos [347 to be exact]. i am not sure if it was illegal [the online photo people would have stopped me, right?] and i am sure it was [admittedly] a little creepy, but these little gems bring me so much satisfaction. 
after tearing through the package i sorted them into categories, placed them in photo protector paper, and threw lovingly placed them in a three ring binder in their appropriate home. i would be amiss if i didn't tell you i have thumbed through the thing at least four times in the past twelve hours. and each time, i get more inspired and more desperate for the next chapter in my life. now i know these 347 little images are just material, money sucking things that hold no real lasting value. i know my style and master blueprint is sure to change within the next minute [i am fickle and plan on just replacing new images with the old]. i know i should be enjoying this precious present. i know. and i am. but, in the meantime it doesn't hurt to visualize a life. yes, a life filled with stylish things, but also companionship, hope, family, laughter, and love. i just somehow can't find a way to categorize and organize those into a binder. 

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