one last note about book club. as a little party favor, i made bookmarks for each guest in attendance. in true blogger fashion, i went DIY and pulled out the ever popular mod podge. using that huge pile of scraps that seems to be occupying my life [seen here, here, and here] and some regular ole word documents, i went to work brushing and smoothing and cutting and brushing. 
fifty-nine cents per three feet of wood stuff [it was very easy to cut. with scissors. so it can hardly be considered lumber.] from michaels. cut into seven x three inch pieces.
mod podge, fabric scraps, word document, foam brush
apply mod podge to wood pieces, place fabric on one side and paper on the other, apply mod podge on top of both. smooth out bubbles and wrinkles with another piece of scrap wood. let dry for approximately fifteen to twenty minutes and repeat. trim edges to bookmark size.
finished product. book club bookmarks! durable [see how they're like... thick?] and rustic [ahem, not at all perfect and totally look homemade].
what i really wanted to do was purchase next month's book for everyone and place these inside. but that would have set me back another hundo. i like these ladies, but not that much.
what ideas do you have for party favors? any other book clubers out there? so far, i would consider myself a very big fan.
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